Sunday, November 22, 2020

Warlord Games & Perry ECW Cuirassiers

Here are two units of ECW Cuirassiers using a box of Warlord Games figures and four Perry figures. The four in the center, front row are Perry figures - the rest Warlord Games.

Although there is scant evidence of the Royalists having any cuirassier units, I wanted to balance the armies and gave them one. The Parliamentarians carry Colonel Balfour's colours.
Standard sized cavalry units in Pike & Shotte range from 6-12 figures, so these two with 8-figures each fit nicely in between this amount.
The Perry figures match up well with the Warlord ones, in both size and sculpting style.
These are likely the last units for the ECW project, at least for now. I do have a couple more command stands to work on - including one with King Charles. Otherwise probably going to cruise out of 2020 with no more new projects. Until next time, wishing you all the best in the hobby and health.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Michal! Kind regards, Dean

  2. Great work Dean. That is brilliant work and lovely painting and basing. ECW cuirassier armour is always an interesting one to work on. Armour that is black and yet needs enough definition to show that it is metal armour and not fabric. You clearly have done that very well. As for Royalist units in armour, it is sometimes said that the Kings Lifeguard of Horse may have been cuirassiers. The wealth was certainly there to have enabled it so, but as to the armour types or whether they did wear it through choice, who knows. As you say, the evidence is lacking.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comments, Jason. Truly appreciated. The black and russet armor were given very light dry-brushing with metallics; just enough to bring out the rivets and edges of the plates. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much my friend. Kindest regards, Dean

  4. They should do some real damage on the table-top. I've long had ECW as a potential in my mind with some figures set aside for it but it keeps being overtaking with other passions. Glad yours is a reality. Very nice army.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. I have to say, the Warlord Games kits, particularly the plastic sets really allowed me to get into the period quite quickly and inexpensively. Warmest regards, Dean

  5. More outstanding work Dean - so no more ECW for a while - whats next i wonder? I am sure such a prolific painter cant go the six weeks till 2021 without producing a few more units!

    1. Thanks again so much, Keith. I'll probably add more stuff ECW stuff later - possibly look into 30 Years War (w/flag swaps) too. That said, figured a change of interest might be in order too. One thing I was considering was something in 6mm scale - maybe Samurai/Sengoku stuff. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. What a splendid cavalry Dean, great job!

    1. Thanks a lot, Phil! The figures are very nicely detailed - lots of armor rivets and such - which may painting them a charm. Kindest regards, Dean

  7. There was only one full Cuirassier unit in the ECW. It was Sir Arthur Haselriges and it was Parlementarian.

    1. Right, the "Lobsters" - funny how the Warlord Games flag sheet didn't include theirs. Anyway, wanted to give the Royalists an even playing field for game play. Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Mike! Best regards, Dean

  9. Lovely stuff again Dean and turned out in excellent order. Interesting to note the match between perry and warlord πŸ‘ not sure what no new projects means but will wait and see what you tackle next

    1. Yeah, "no new projects" is a good one!

    2. Thanks, Matt and Jonathan! The two makers fit very nicely together - in fact, I am swapping a Perry horse for the Warlord Games King Charles figure. For the record, I am looking into 6mm stuff - possibly for Sengoku Jidai stuff. Warmest regards to you all, Dean

  10. Excellent brushwork Dean, they look fantastic.

    1. Thank you very much Ray! Appreciate the visit and kind words. Best regards, Dean

  11. Wonderful stuff Dean, real depth to the cavalry.

    1. Thank you very much, Stu! Kindest regards, Dean

  12. Stunning work, Dean! Your blackened armor (and everything else) is superb. What is next?

    1. Thanks so much as always, Jonathan. I was thinking about 6mm - saw a YouTube video on 3D printed Samurai/Ashigaru 6mm figures. They looked very nice, but it seems they're sold as files and not the actual figures - if I had a 3D printer I suppose I would try the out. Here's the link - Warm regards, Dean

  13. They look great. Dean! A fearsome looking ‘heavy-metal’ unit indeed. I really like the way you’ve done the armour.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind compliment! Yes, I'm quite happy with how the armor turned out - wasn't sure about the black "enameled" process, but it looks pretty good with very light silver highlights on the rivets and lamellar edges. Kindest regards, Dean

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot, Scrivs. Yes, these are some nicely detailed figures - both the Perry's and Warlord's. Kindest regards, Dean

  15. Splendid Dean, I do like them a lot, I am toying with the idea of building a French wars of religion armies next year perhaps Cuirassiers will be high on the start list! Sadly I sold my three 28mm ECW armies before moving to France....a little silly of me.

    1. Thanks, Matt! I've sold off a few armies that I wish I held onto myself. That said, you should enjoy building another Renaissance army again. Best regards, Dean

  16. The "lobsters" are great Dean. The blackened armour works a treat with that subtle touch of metallics to bring out the edges.
    Looking forward to your next project whatever it maybe.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! Appreciate the visit and kind compliments. Warmest regards, Dean

  17. Great looking Cuirassiers. Any self respecting wargamer has to have one unit (and one only!) for each side - Sir Arthur Hasselrig for Parliament, and Lord Whatiff for the King. :-)

    My Royalist unit in 3/4 armor are the Gentlemen Pensioners. who served as the King's bodyguard. It was a small unit, composed of wealthy individuals, so a majority in Cuirassier kit is at least plausible. The carry the Royal Standard as their flag (in my army, that is).

    So what's the unit total for the ECW now, Dean?

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Peter. I now have 4 regiments (1 Pike and 2 Shotte each), 3 (or 4 if broken down smaller) commanded shotte, 4 artillery (although 1 being a mortar), and 2 (or 3 if broken down smaller) "Medium" cavalry and these 2 Cuirassier units. So, I think enough for a smaller game with 2 to 4 players. Probably more than enough for my usual 6 x 7.5' table space (3 Costco tables) :). Warmest regards, Dean

  18. Fantastic looking cuirassiers! I'm with you, I'll be doing a unit for Parliament and some sort of guard for the Royalist army, Haselriges is the only recorded cuirassier unit but I don't believe you can conclusively prove that there was no Royalist cuirassiers!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks for the nice words again, Iain. Yes, plan to be quasi-historical with ECW gaming in the future, anyways. As I'd like to game with troops/commanders that weren't on the historical battlefield at the same time. I'd like to try Naseby - but it's sad that Boye wouldn't be around with his master for that one. Kindest regards, Dean

  19. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Denis. Kindest regards, Dean

  20. Splendid "Lobsters" Dean! Your work always inspires me to paint :)

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words as always, Dmitry! Warmest regards, Dean

  21. The armor looks a tad dark; historically were these armor pieces made from darkened metal? My only knowledge is from Hollywood movies and those aren't terribly accurate :)

    1. In addition to polished or natural metal, some armor was enameled in black, and some were "russet"ed - a process which prevented or slowed the rusting process. I tried to give them various types of these. Kindest regards, Dean
