Friday, February 21, 2014

Killed or Captured at Agincourt

Here is the flower of the French nobility that were either killed or captured on Saint Crispin's Day. They are from the Perrys' foot command set. There's actually one more figure in the set, but I didn't paint it up.
They are, from left to right: 1) Jehan le Meingre "Boucicaut", Marshal of France - died in captivity in 1421 at Yorkshire; 2) Charles d'Albret, Constable of France - KIA; 3) Charles of Artois, Count of Eu - released from captivity in 1438, and lived until 1472; 4) Jean, Duke of Bourbon - died in London in 1434; 5) Charles, Duke of OrlĂ©ans - released in 1440; 6) Guillaume de Martel, bearer of the Oriflamme - KIA; 7) Lord Rambures - KIA.
They'll be based along with mounted figures for command stands.


  1. Dean,

    They look terrific, your middle ages troops are always the best. I like Guillaume the best.

  2. Thanks, James. I do need to print out the banner for Ol' Will. Best, Dean

  3. Striking work! I like them all. Can you share your armor technique? It looks like perfectly burnished metal. Excellent!

  4. Very nice figures Dean! Lovely paintwork too.

  5. Thanks for the kind words, Jonathan and Rodger.

    Jonathan: I used a pin (the regular kind for sewing) to burnish the metal. After the burnishing I gave it a wash of Vallejo Black Ink/Stain. I rubbed some of the ink off after it dried, then gave it a light coat of Krylon Clear. The clear acts as a primer for the other areas.

    Warm regards, Deam

  6. Looking beautiful and bright, will make an eye catching display on the TT

  7. Excellent work. The lovely paint jobs will be ruined by all that mud.

  8. Excellent paintjob, love the colors!

  9. Great !! Fine paint work Dean !
    Greetings .

  10. Fantastic! That is some painstaking work and your results are wonderful, Dean.

  11. Thanks, Gentlemen, for all of your great comments.

    @ Scrivs: I just can bring myself to muddy up figures - even my WW2 guys are in pristine camo. :)

    Warm Regards to all, Dean
