Friday, June 21, 2024

Bolt Action - Battle of Mahiwa

Just finished up a nice WW1 E. Africa game using Bolt Action. This is a scenario by buddy has used several times in the past. He tweaked the game a bit today by using activation die assigned per company - about 3 or 4 individual units. Similar to the "Stand To" rules, but a bit more simplified. It sped up the game and got units to do multiple different actions. I played a company of Germans and Askari on our right flank. Played 6 turns in about 3 hours, which ended in a slugfest of attritition across the battlefield. It was only my second time playing the rules in about a year, and came back quite easily and quickly. It was only my second time in about a year playing the rules, having played Chain of Command more often. There are elements of both rule systems that I like, but I do appreciate the simplicity and quick play of Bolt Action.

The terrain and figures are very nice.
British cavalry in support of infantry, both moving up to cross the river.
Although it wasn't used in today's game, the African Queen did give the game a proper look.
German artillery spotters on top of the building.
Looking across the battlefield from the British left.
View from the German left.
QRS with unit stats.

All in all a very nice Bolt Action refresher game.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mike! A nice game with great looking troops and terrain. Warm regards, Dean

  2. Great to see some fantastic BA game!

    1. Thanks, Michal. Yes, the set up and figures were very nice. Kind regards, Dean

  3. Some beautiful WWI E African figures and terrain there Dean - love the African Queen - complete with Bogart and Audrey Hepburn (just as well I checked, I thought it was Lauren Bacall!)
    Our buddy Rick had an extensive collection for this era, I contributed a small British force and Mark (1866) scratch built a couple of gunboats for action on the lakes, as well as some very nice scenery - must get all that on the table again sometime!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, my buddy didn't use the African Queen and Bogie this time, but has in the past. It's a great movie and affords a lot of gaming possibilities. Best regards, Dean

  4. That looks cool! Nice layout. My buddies and I today played Bolt Action but Barbarossa with a flying Panzer column trying to secure a river crossing. Bolt Action reminds us of playing 40K.


    1. Thanks, Kevin. Yes, when we played a recent ACW game, it sort of devolved into a 40K kind of game. Maybe that's what a lot of gamers like in the end - a shoot 'em up game of attrition? Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Christopher! Yes, the terrain and figures look great - and the rules were very fast play. Warmest regards, Dean
