Sunday, May 22, 2022

Wargames Atlantic French Poilus

Here are the 35 figures from the Wargames Atlantic French WW1/2 set. I ended up using some Vallejo Grey Blue to highlight some of the cloth. A pretty good match for the Army Painter Wolf Grey spray paint.

The helmets were painted a little darker using a mixture of black, Dark Prussian Blue and Grey Blue.
They're based on Litko 25mm plywood rounds (3mm thick). Same as the German set painted a couple of years ago. I've waited this long for these Poilus. Plan to get some WW1 gaming in after next weekend's convention. Probably using Bolt Action - at least at first.
I'm glad to have these done as I always liked the Horizon Bleu uniform. I sold off a bunch of Old Glory French some years ago - so these are nice replacements.
What I need to be doing is refreshing myself with the La Haye Sainte Black Powder and Marston Moor Pike & Shotte games that I'll be hosting next weekend at Enfilade. I prepared QRS specific for the games and even emailed copies to some of the players. Hopefully it'll make the games run that much smoother. In any case, looking forward to hosting the games and seeing old acquaintances - some of whom I haven't seen since the 2019 convention. Thanks for stopping by and wishing you all the best!


  1. Great looking Frenchmen,Dean. I like the Horizon Bleu too. Have fun at Enfilade.

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! We're looking at number bigger than last September, but still smaller than 2019. The Canadians are coming down in force though. Best regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mike! I love French in Horizon Blue too. Warmrest regards, Dean

  3. Lovely looking French Dean. The figures look great, but I think your painting has really added to their animation.

    1. Thank you very much, Richard. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Great looking French Dean….hope the convention goes well πŸ‘

    1. Thanks, Matt! I'm looking forward to the con. It's be great to see old acquaintances. Warm regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Simon! Warm regards, Dean

  6. They all look great Dean, I especially like the officers, in their colourful red caps.

    1. Thanks, Ray! Yes, the officers kepis do add a nice splash in the sea of blue. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Good result, Dean. And what other rules other than "Bolt action" do you plan to use for WWI? I have a good German army, but I did not decide by what rules to use it?

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Alexey. Well, I really like Bolt Action - but some of my gaming buddies really like Chain of Command (which is overly complicated for my tastes). I was thinking I'd let them use those rules to see how it plays out with a WW1 scenario. That said, I'm in favor of Bolt Action. Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Splendid looking French! Have fun at the convention!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks a lot, Iain. Kindest regards, Dean

  9. Wow - you got those French troops finished off in double quick time Dean. They look great as always! I hope you have a very enjoyable convention and get to catch up with all your gaming buddies - look forward to reading about your adventures soon.

    1. Thanks, Keith. I'm looking forward to the con - it's only about 20 minutes from where I live - so no long drive. There are folks driving from Oregon, Vancouver B.C. and Spokane. Hours and hours away. We've even had folks in the past drive from Idaho and Montana. Will be sure to post pics of the games there. Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Great job, Dean! As always, your performance is impressive 8)))

    1. Thank you very much, Denis! Looking forward to getting them in action against the German troops painted a while back. Warmest regards, Dean

  11. The shading and highlighting are sublime. Top notch brushwork there Dean!

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment, Mike! Warmest regards, Dean
